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美国英文合同范本 第1篇

第三章 英文合同中常见的用词及句型(Usual Wordings and Sentence Patterns) I don't care what their intention was. I only want to know what the words mean. A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used. --Towne v. Eisner, 245 , 425(1918) (Holmes, J.) 我并不在意他们的意图是什么,我只是想知道文字的意思。

文字不是水晶般通明一成不变,而是活生生思想的外衣,会因使用的场合和时间在色彩和内容上产生巨大的变化。 —霍尔姆斯法官(美国) 英文合同中常见的用词和句型有其相对固定的含义和用法,不仅可以帮助准确理解掌握合同条款的含义,而且这些成熟的表达方式可以为提高、完善草拟和翻译合同所借鉴,达到事半功倍的效果。

第一节 合同常用词(Usual Wording) 当大量接触英文合同,就会发现英文合同中有些词或短语出现的频率非常高,往往影响或决定了对合同的准确理解,下面就分门别类从常见实词和常见虚词两个方面进行具体介绍: 一、英文合同常用虚词(Usual Function Words) 1. Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词基本规则:Here代表this,there代表that,where代表which或what即here/there/where+介词=介词+this/that/which or what Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,兹等意。 Herein:in this。

此中,于此。 Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。

通常与 to be referred to as, referred as, called 连用。 Hereof:of this。

关于此点,在本文件中。Hereunder:under this. 本文件规定。

Hereto:to this.本文件的。Thereof:of that.它的,其。

Thereto:to that 与之,向那里。 Herewith:with this.与此,附此。

Thereby:by that means.因此,由此,从而 Thereafter: after that,afterwards.此后。 Therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect.在那里;在那点上;在那方面。

Therewith:with that.以此;此外。 Whereby: by the agreement; by the following terms and conditions, etc. 凭此协议,凭此条款等。

2. WITNESSETH, Whereas, Now Therefore, NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS, Know All Men by these presents,In witness Whereof, In Testimony Whereof, , Whereas, Now Therefore用于英文合同前言部分,In witness Whereof用于合同结尾证明部分,在第二章篇章结构特点中已有涉及,恕不赘述。 In Testimony Whereof: in Witness Whereof. 以此为证,特立此证。

NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS: 兹特立约为据, 本句话也是用于WHEREAS条款之后引出具体协议事项。 KNOW ALL MEN by these presents:根据本文件,特此宣布。

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