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亚马逊采购合同范本 第1篇

Both parties have the responsibility to maintain th secrecy of trade secret related to the contract, the party disclosing the trade secrets shall bear the relevant legal liability. 买卖双方对因本合同签订及履行二获悉的商业秘密有保密义务,故意或过失泄露商业秘密的一方,应承担相关法律责任。

亚马逊采购合同范本 第2篇

The Seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure , such as war , serious fire , flood , typhoon and earthquake , or other events agreed upon between both parties , which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit . The Seller shall advise the Buyer by cable/telex immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within fourteen days thereafter, shall send by airmail to the Buyer for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities, where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the Seller, however , are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods . 由于严重的火灾、水灾、台风、地震以及双方同意的其它不可抗力事故,致使卖方交货延迟或不能交货时,卖方可不负责任,但发生上述事故时,卖方应立即以电传或电报通知买方,并于事故发生后14天内将事故发生地主管当局出具的事故证明书用航空寄交买方,依不可抗力事件之轻重,一部或全部免除合同责任。

亚马逊采购合同范本 第3篇

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