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旅游英文合同范本 第1篇



为此,乙方同意签定相关的保密协议(不泄露协议)。Party B shall provide Party A with eligible personnel in accordance with the requirements of Party the event of the personnel assigned by Party B does not comply with the requirements or cannot render the required services of Party A, after the receipt of a written notice on this matter from Party A, Party B shall again look for eligible candidate for Party A to replace the the course of discussing, signing and executing this contract, all the documents and information of Party A which cannot be publicly accessed including, but not limited to, trade secrets such as corporate planning, financial and technical data, operations and quality information acquired by Party B shall be strictly confidential; no unauthorized use or disclosure to any third parties shall be guaranteed by Party B and its assigned personnel. Both Parties agree to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement concerning this matter; in the event of infringement of this secrecy agreement, Party B shall indemnify all the losses suffered by Party A. 2.乙方及其指派人员应当保证其在为甲方提供服务的行为不存在或出现侵犯任何第三人合法权益的情形,否则由此产生的一切责任和导致甲方之损失由乙方承担。

Party B and Its assigned personnel guarantee that the conduct of services provided does not violate the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, otherwise, all responsibilities and losses sustained by Party A arising out of this matter shall be borne by Party )本合同未尽之事宜,或甲乙双方对本合同发生争议时友好协商解决。2)本合同之附件为合同的重要组成部分,与本合同具同等法律效力。

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